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Westminster Events


Holmes Chapel (Buffalo, New York, United States)

Worship with Communion, each Sunday at 8:15 AM in the Holmes ChapelThis service is not livestreamed.

Choir Rehearsal

Holmes Chapel (Buffalo, New York, United States)

Contact: Garrett Martin, Organist and Director of Musicgmartin@wpcbuffalo.org

First Sundays with Pastor Kate

Holmes Chapel; Holmes Chapel (Buffalo, New York, United States)

Contact: Rev. Katelyn Nutter DowlingAssociate Pastor for Christian Educationkatelynnd@wpcbuffalo.org


Sanctuary 724 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY, United States

Worship, each Sunday at 10:30 AM in the SanctuaryCommunion served on the first Sunday of each month.This service is livestreamed to wpcbuffalo.org/live

Buffalo Master Chorale Concert

Sanctuary 724 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY, United States

The final concert of the Buffalo Master Chorale season is entitled Celebrations: A Jubilant Song!This concert reflects on music written for different types of celebrations.The pieces entitled Listen to a […]

Garden Group

Thomas P. Stewart Playground and Park